Innovapptive’s Visual Planner: The Best Solution for Mining Maintenance and Planning

Innovapptive’s Visual Planner: The Best Solution for Mining Maintenance and Planning

You made the decision to digitally transform your mining planning and scheduling. Congratulations! Now what? 

There are a lot of connected worker platforms in the market today. So many that determining which is the best one for your unique situation can be frustrating and difficult, at best. Innovapptive, a connected worker platform pioneer, understands that predicament. We also understand the mining industry and its specialized maintenance planning and scheduling needs.

That’s why we’ve created this simple, handy infographic explaining the Visual Planner solution and why it’s the right choice for your maintenance planning and scheduling at surface, subsurface and underwater mining facilities. You’ll learn what differentiates Visual Planner from the competition and why it’s the right choice for you. 

Download The Whitepaper