3 Levers to Dramatically Improve the Warehouse Goods Receipt Process

3 Levers to Dramatically Improve the Warehouse Goods Receipt Process

Warehousing starts with the arrival of products from suppliers, physically checking them against the paperwork, before putaway in the storage area until they are required by customers. That all sounds very simple, but in reality, the whole warehouse goods receipt process is broken in many organizations. This whitepaper will examine three ways to add needed efficiency in this critically important part of the system.

Key takeaways of this white paper:

  • Adequate floor space is crucial in warehouse design.
  • Consideration must be given for the types of vehicles that will be offloading to the warehouse.
  • Poor supplier integration can have a negative impact on warehouse efficiency.
  • Have consistent metrics with which to measure supplier performance.
  • A mobile-first solution can dramatically improve the goods receipt process.

Download The White paper