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How Mobile EAM Solutions Drive Industrial Transformation in Chemical Companies

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How Mobile EAM Solutions Drive Industrial Transformation in Chemical Companies

Chemical plants are hazardous facilities full of toxic and highly inflammable raw materials.

Proper maintenance — and the ability to access maintenance data in real-time — is critical to prevent costly and dangerous safety incidents.The chemical industry faces some unique operational challenges that can negatively impact productivity, profitability and compliance, costing millions of dollars.

These challenges share a common thread — enterprise asset management systems that are inaccessible to the frontline worker. Most chemical companies still rely on manual, paper-based enterprise asset management (EAM) practices that create data silos within a plant ecosystem. Chemical companies need sophisticated mobile enterprise asset management solutions to streamline data flow and cross-team collaboration.

A best-in-class EAM platform that’s integrated with the back-end ERP systems connects frontline workers through mobile devices. It comes as a suite of four must-have solutions — work order management, digital operator rounds, digital work instructions and configurable forms and checklists. Unlike legacy systems, these solutions are not siloed. They are integrated with each other to create a data ecosystem. Integration with the ERP system drives real-time, cross-functional collaboration across an industrial environment.

Chemical companies spend 12% to 40% of total production costs on the maintenance of critical assets and equipment. Saving just 1% of maintenance costs could mean several million dollars annually. The opportunity ahead of chemical companies is huge as consumer demand is growing. They need to choose the right EAM platform that matches their unique needs.

You can learn more about how to make the most out of a mobile EAM platform for your chemical company from our new white paper, Four Ways Mobile EAM Solutions Help Chemical Companies Operate Safer, More Efficient Facilities.

Want to see a live demo of Innovapptive’s mobile EAM solution for your chemical plant? Book here. Or call us at 844-464-6668.

Connect Your Frontline Workforce,Back Office and Assets Together